
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Act3tive Reading Notes

Banter between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth- reveals frustrations with each other
lady Macbeth man killer- calls out Macbeth in front of everyone for seeing ghost
Unlike Hamlet, only Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost
Yet Hamlet is the one widely regarded as crazy...
Lady Macbeth attacks Macbeth during moment of weakness
Also must remind Macbeth to carry out the act of grievance
Macbeth would fear the ghost less in any form other than Banquo's
Macbeth questions how Lady Macbeth can maintain her composure- showing he is unaware of how cold she really is
Hecate- head of witches;"mistress of their charms"
Says there will be a "fatal end to the night"
Critical of witches actions; meddling in affairs
Lennox suggests that Fleance killed Banquo, or that is at least the common belief

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