
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Brave New Essay

In a novel or play that you have studied, identify a character who conforms outwardly while questioning inwardly. Then write an essay in which you analyze how this tension between outward conformity and inward questioning contributes to the meaning of the work.

In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World , Bernard Marx is a pariah in his society.  He lives as a normally as he can, but on the inside he knows that something is missing.  He conforms because that is what is expected of him  and it would take great courage to protest.  His society even allow him opportunity to protest.  So he continues his life; struggling to blend in to a crowded cloud of gray when his heart yearns for a vivid, sunny day.
Bernard does many things to conform outwardly.  Predominantly is his line of work.  Everyday is works with hypnopedia.  He is implanting messages into the minds of youth, but the messages are things he does not even agree with.  Still, the culture of his society doesn't even make it an issue that he would dissent.  Protest is so foreign that it doesn't come to mind when someone like Bernard is unhappy.  Instead, they make sincere attempts to conform so they too can be happy.  Bernard engages in "orgy-porgy,"  desperately trying to fit in and to become a normal member of society.  To his disappointment, he finds he is still the same dissatisfied individual as before.
The internal thoughts of Bernard reflect something else entirely.  He even acts abnormally by spending time alone.  He risks this detour from good World State Citizen behavior because for him being alone is important.  It means he can be alone with his thoughts and away from the actions he sees as superficial.   He does, however, develop an interest in Lenina Trotsky.  Lenina on the surface actually appears to be somewhat of an inward protester.  She mentions how she has not been too keen on promiscuity lately.  This mild dissension I believe attracts Bernard.  But, Bernard is disappointed to find out that she behaves just as a citizen of the World State should.  She doesn't understand his shyness about asking to "have her" and is perfectly willing to be treated as "a piece of meat."  This experience makes him more aware of his differences and makes his inner protest stronger
In order to survive, human beings try to blend in with their company.  Anything that stands out is more likely to get crushed.  Because of this, there are countless examples of people conforming for their safety but on the inside, enraged with the injustice of their situation.  Bernard is one of these people.  He has no choice but to conform yet he is painfully aware that there is something missing.  That something is the brightness that would liven a dreary gray society.


  1. I liked the essay the use of an arch to build up your argument worked really well. the point that you made about how Bernard was brainwashing kids with beliefs he himself did not hold was the strongest point in my opinion

  2. Nice essay! The only suggestion I can make is that your thesis is not worded as concretely as it is in the restatement in the conclusion. In other words, I feel that switching them would make the essay better. I am not really sure if that is something that you can fix, as every essay is different, and it is still really good as it stands.

  3. I enjoyed the use of imagery as well as a complex vocabulary to better illustrate your point

  4. Great essay Colter! The way you connected your essay to our world and realities is what set your essay apart from the other essays I read. Your syntax and diction flowed nicely and conveyed your message clearly. You kept your essay succinct and back your thoughts with textual evidence.

  5. I think that your third paragraph was the strongest. It had many concrete details and examples from the book. I agree with Daniel about your thesis; the essay could use a stronger introduction. Other than that I really like some of the connections that you made. Great job!

  6. I like the theme of brightness and darkness; that's really creative. Nice essay overall.

  7. Very nice essay, Colter! I liked your use of vocabulary the examples from the text that you used.

  8. Your essay addressed the prompt very straight forward but in a very logical way which flowed really well with the rest of the points you made in your essay. It also really helps that you use a higher level of vocabulary in your essay, and makes things more understandable. Good job Colter.
